In the years I’ve been a travel advisor, there has never been a higher priority to me than the health, happiness, and safety of my clients. With the emergence of the COVID-19 crisis, these priorities have not changed.
I know you must have concerns around your future or existing travel plans, so I wanted to take some time to share with you some of my resources, your options, and some of the actions I’ve taken to better help you make the most informed decisions about your travel needs.
Staying Up to Date
We have remained on top of all updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), government agencies, airlines, hotels and resorts, and global tour operators, who have devised their own collection of resources specific to travelers. We check into these reference points regularly to stay apprised of any new developments with this rapidly changing situation.
Standing Up for You
Collectively, the travel advisor community has rallied for more flexible policies and more options for travelers … and we’ve made ourselves heard.
In addition, we support airlines and hotels who have been taking precautionary measures to ensure your well-being. Enhanced cleaning protocols, sanitation processes, and frequency of maintenance have all been put into place, and those providing services to guests are reducing contact points and staying educated on best practices to remain healthy.
Travel Tips
In the meantime, we encourage you to wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with warm, soapy water, and drying thoroughly. Avoid touching your face, and maintain your distance from others. Wipe down your seat, tray, and armrest with antibacterial wipes, and use hand sanitizer in the absence of running water. And of course, seek immediate medical attention if you start feeling unwell.
I want to thank you for trusting me with your travel dreams. I regret that some may be put on temporary hold for now, but look forward to turning them into lifelong memories in better days soon to come. Stay healthy and safe!
